Returning to Campus

I’m definitely more concerned than excited to return to campus after spring break. There is still a lot of anxiety attached to going back to campus due to the numbers of coronavirus cases which are still high as well as the ability to transmit the virus to other family members.
Luckily, for me, all of my immediate family members have been fully or partially vaccinated and will be protected if I go back to campus. On the other hand, I’m still hesitant to return when I haven’t received the vaccine myself.
In addition to that, not everyone who will return to campus has been taking the right safety precautions at home and trying to avoid the virus as much as possible which is also something to be concerned about.
From this, my biggest concern would be going back knowing not everyone is vaccinated yet and that the possibility to catch the virus is not impossible.
In addition, we as a society don’t know the long-term effects of coronavirus which makes going back even more daunting. I would also hate to have spent all this time in quarantine trying my best to protect myself and my family members and then catch the virus at school because I’m not vaccinated yet.
I’m already hyperaware of the virus as well and being at school would only amplify my anxiety surrounding staying disinfected after everything I touch and with the people I interact with.
Moreover, I already have a routine at home with my school work and it will definitely be an adjustment going back.
I will also have less time to myself if I go back due to the extra time it will take to drive to school in the morning during traffic and to drive back home after school.
This includes less time to study and relax from the long day.
On the bright side, if I go back I do look forward to seeing my friends again and gaining back some sense of normalcy before I graduate. It will also be nice to have some of my classes in person again, like journalism and Spanish which are more hands-on.
It will also be nice to get some closure before I graduate because I will at least get to spend maybe a week or two on campus if I decide to go back which probably won’t be until the later weeks once I get vaccinated.
I also look forward to the possibility of smaller, contained school activities like senior week and events held in the quad.