September 24

The Objects of Life

Objects can speak volumes about a person’s interests and priorities.

They provide a framework for what is important to each individual and a narrative for readers to follow.

For me, many objects could be used to represent my life and five possibilities are a book, a map, an image of my dog and another of my family, and lastly a cup of coffee.

I chose a book because of my love for literature, specifically fiction and fantasy.

When I was younger reading was my least favorite activity and I would dread the ever-impending summer reading list.

It wasn’t until sixth grade when I saw one of my friends reading a book titled “City of Bones,” that I first became intrigued and fell in love with reading.

These fantastical worlds along with the excitement and intrigue my friends and I shared, propelled an interest that would take over the rest of my junior high.

Book signings and festivals opened my view of the wider world of readers and changed my perspective on reading and writing for the better.

A map might seem like an odd object to use as representation, but it works perfectly because of my love for travel.

I have this imminent dream of traveling across the U.S. and being of service to the Native American Reservation epidemic plaguing this lands first people.

Diabetes, extreme poverty, alcoholism, and drug abuse are just some of the issues that affect these communities from thriving in this American society.

I am not sure how I will be able to help, but I know that I want to have an impact in some way.

Aside from traveling across the country, I also have a dream of traveling the world and visiting countries such as France, Thailand, and Peru.

An image of my dog and my family is another object that represents a large part of my life.

The relationship I have with my dog is something truly special and I would not trade it for anything.

My family is where I come from, so my Hispanic culture and the values I grew up with have shaped who I am today.

Lastly, a cup of coffee represents the hardworking and determined side of my personality.

I like to say that I am a very self-driven person and that I try my best in everything I do.

I would also say that I am a bit of a perfectionist, which can be time-consuming, but it adds the extra effort that I sometimes feel is necessary.

This type of story-telling through the use of objects is a clever and unique way to introduce characters of a story.

It can instantly provide readers with similarities and provide a platform for readers to relate to.

Moreover, pictures and images convey emotions that words can’t describe. A sense of nostalgia, a feeling you get from a certain childhood memory, or even a remembrance of a smell that brings you back in time.

History can also benefit from the use of objects.

These artifacts make people feel as though they are reliving past events or even a favorite time period they wish to transport to.

Objects have as much of an impact as words. They are physical items that readers can hold on to and truly use to immerse themselves in literature.






September 17

I Wish my Teacher Knew…

I wish my teacher knew about my love for literature and fiction.

Reading literature through my younger years has tailored my interests today and can speak to my beliefs and views on certain issues.

Understanding what a student likes to read or what they find interesting can provide educators a more accurate look into the possible career paths of students or even how they relate and process information in class.

I think that most teachers only get a glimpse of what their students are actually like because they only get to view each person in a classroom setting.

In addition, understanding the background as well as the strengths and weaknesses of students is crucial for certain subjects including English and Mathematics.

For example, in an English class when someone writes a paper and the point a student is trying to get across is not clear, a teacher who knows more about a student and where they are coming from is more likely to be able to help that student on a more personal level and improve their writing.

This in turn not only helps students, but educators as well so that they can tailor their teaching methods, if needed, to be the most efficient and successful when it comes to student comprehension.

I wish that my teachers knew that personal situations can have more of an effect on students when it comes to school life.

A lot of people including myself do not enjoy getting emotional or talking about their personal situations, but I believe it is important for teachers to understand the daily stresses certain students may be going through.

Divorce and other daily issues are very common among students and not only affects their mental and emotional health, but it can translate into school life as well.

I think that teachers see me as very serious and focused on my work, but other than that I truly don’t believe any teacher knows who I really am.

I also believe that teachers don’t know of the other goofy and laughter filled side of my personality.

Sometimes I believe that this is a good thing and a bad thing for many reasons.

First, while I enjoy having fun, I would rather a teacher treat me with respect and as an educated individual rather than an irresponsible teenager.

I would rather be seen as focused and driven than the person always trying to have a good time.

Having a teacher know both sides of a student can be beneficial on both sides of the spectrum.

If someone is always goofing around or trying to make light of a situation, I have later found out that they were having personal issues among their family.

In those situations, I think it is very beneficial for teachers to pick up on these cues and ask their students how they are truly doing.

I am also a private person and do not share personal information with many people, but in certain situations, I have come to realize that speaking about things and confiding in people you trust can be a great option.

I also feel that counselors and teachers are great possibilities to do so as you spend a lot of each other’s time together and can feel more comfortable talking to them for difficult topics.

It is important for teachers to make an effort to get to know their students and to better understand the person and character behind each individual.






September 11

Bishop Amat Vs Single-Use Plastic Bottles

To be or not to be, single-use plastic or reusable bottles? This comparison may seem a little dramatic, but after hearing about the recent research and facts about our plastic using ways, it now seems like a harsh look into reality.

From trending Hydro flasks to the campaign to save the turtles through the use of reusable straws, students at Bishop Amat have been more aware of the effects using single-use bottles can have in the long run.

The choice to change a whole school over to reusable bottles seems all too simple, and there are many ways this can be accomplished.

For example, this school could have a fundraiser to install reusable water dispensers and get rid of the dated water fountains.

Installing more recycling bins to the school would also help tremendously with the other recyclable wastes such as aluminum and glass.

But wait, let’s get into the facts about why this is so important for every individual including students at Bishop Amat.

Think about going into a major city, such as Los Angeles, and recall the last time you visited and did not see a single plastic bag, bottle, or aluminum can lying on the busy streets.

For many, this is nearly impossible and the effects are already so prevalent in day to day society.

By helping the planet we are in turn helping everyone and everything that lives on this earth.

If plastic stops getting into wildlife, which humans eventually eat, people not only get to save God’s creation, as students here have been taught to respect, but they also have the possibility to protect themselves from harmful chemicals in various consumer plastics.

With the ban of these plastics also comes the possibility of other important aspects including less litter and pollution for our local communities.

With social media today, students are given a larger platform to express their opinions and beliefs with their peers.

This younger generation also already puts so much more emphasis on movements to preserve the planet, so no harm can come from involving students in a major current event that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

If Bishop Amat were to comply with a ban against single-use plastic bottles, this school would not only inspire their own students to get more involved, but they could also be a catalyst for change for other schools and businesses in the area.

The ban on plastic bottles is just a starting point for bettering the local community around Bishop Amat and students are already taking the initiative to reduce their footprint on the planet.

Future plans could even be made to eventually ban all styrofoam and nonrecyclable wastes, which is already being implemented at many major beaches and cities including Long Beach and New York City.

Many excuses can be made about the ability to enact this plastic ban, but from the perspective of knowing what will happen if something does not change on a global scale, it is the least a school can do to better the lives of future generations.

It comes downs to priorities and challenges all to think about the importance of sustaining this planet so that following generations do not have to inherit an uninhabitable earth in shambles.