Political Opinions

Politics has always been a sore topic for discussion bound to arise conflict between those around us, yet as Donald Trump’s political involvement had ensued over the past five years this area has become more of a ticking time bomb anxiously waiting to incite division.
As I’ve aged and begun to not only recognize but experience the tension in this society, it has been a tough pill to swallow as I reflect back to the adults and teachers from middle school and junior high. Their conservative beliefs always existed, yet they were not relevant to the adolescent perspective of my youth, or so I ignorantly believed.
This harsh realization was like slowly ripping off a bandaid as I walked the streets most familiar to me and drove through other cities I had been in countless times and saw Trump sign after Trump sign.
These instances are imperative to my so-called “political awakening” as I’ve begun to form my own opinions that drastically differ from the rhetoric I was taught in catholic school.
I’m thankful that I have parents who share my more liberal beliefs because from them I have learned to speak out about what I believe is just and not stand for anything less than that.
In addition, when it comes to prioritizing politics in relationships the thought and concept is something I’ve been forced to confront and consider during these times. Politics is tricky, yet I will never understand nor agree with a leader that supports policies that enable the obstruction of basic human rights, the fight to end climate change or the health and safety of the millions of people in this country.
Because of this current presidential situation, I will never willingly surround myself with people who support him or the core values he condones, to put it blatantly. Moreover, we can have differing views about many things, but racism and human rights are not an option and never will be especially when religion is used as a deflective umbrella to forgive this behavior.
I also think it’s important to note people’s views are constantly changing and progressing which I respect immensely. Those who choose to turn a blind eye and refuse new ideas and different perspectives from their own are more specifically what I would not willingly choose to be around.
Moreover, my family and I frequently discuss political beliefs and politics altogether. I don’t see the point in shying away from political issues because they are uncomfortable, but I rather enjoy the conversations I am able to have with my older sister, my parents, and even my peers around me.
I’ve gained a lot of insight and perspective this way and found that it’s better to know and educate myself on what can often be the ugly truth than to hide behind what seems like blissful ignorance. We can’t fix things in this world if we just ignore what keeps repeatedly coming into view and slapping people from all walks of life in the face.
Furthermore, when looking towards future long-term relationships I believe it is important to share core beliefs and values with a partner or detrimental issues are bound to arise. Once again, I don’t believe you should only surround yourself with people who share the exact same political views as you because that can impair your own progress. I like perspective and differing views for my own development, but the fundamental values are key.